To make it more convenient for you, our valued customer, we’ve combined our Email Club with our Rewards Program—IT’S THE NEW RED’S VIP CLUB AND IT’S FREE.
If you were already a member of our Email Club or our Rewards Program, you are now a member of our VIP Club and there is nothing for you to do.
If you are not already a member and would like to join, just sign up with a simple click on Red’s old-time shoe!
It’s Easy to Earn Points, Get Rewards & Learn about Special Events & Sales.
If you already signed up in our store, you are all set to earn points/rewards. If you would like to access your points, just Register with the email and phone number you used, create a password, and access your Rewards points.
Best of all, you can earn Points with every purchase at Red’s!
How does the VIP Club Work?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Earn 1 Point for every dollar spent at Red’s*
Points accumulate and do not expire
Reach 300 Points and receive a $15 Reward off a future purchase**
Please Note:
* Earned on monetary purchases, excluding purchases made with Red’s gift cards or company vouchers.
** Points must be added at the register at time of purchase.